
Tackling and in many ways leading Web3 gaming we find Planet IX. An overview on what Planet IX is and works.

Web3 gaming is a novel concept aimed to revolutionise the monetisation game. Play AND earn. Although novel, some games are getting lots of traction, especially from developing countries. 

Planeti IX is a browser-based game consisting of a metaverse, where players take on the role of an Agent of Change with the goal of restoring a fallen planet Earth to its former green glory. The Planet IX map consists of 1.6 billion PIX -individual NFTs available to collect.

These NFTs are tiered based on their location and they can be collected through drops. These drops use Chainlink VRF to randomise what PIX you will get. The goal of the game is to get as much adjacent PIX as possible to create a "territory" NFT, which will generate yield.

As players spend time in the game they receive free NFTs (consumables) which they are able to trade with the end goal to stake them to end rewards.

All in-game purchases are handled by 10+ in-game corporations. These corporations are DAOs governed by metashares that will yield rewards based on the income of the in-game corporations.

Mission Control is another game mechanic where you place different assets on your tiles, with the goal of them producing the player yield.

In the future, NGOs will receive NFTs named "Syndicates of change". These NFTs will collect a portion of the fees and rewards yielded in a set earning diameter, which they will use to carry on their operations, be it planting trees, cleaning the ocean etc.

This overview was originally published on March 27th 2023.
Find more on Planet IX’s website and Twitter.


Blueberry Protocol


Theoriq (prev. ChainML)