Krypton Protocol

Even in tough times, some are still pushing the boundaries of DeFi. KryptonProtocol, a Chainlink BUILD partner, is one of them. They're on a mission to eliminate MEV and impermanent loss for DEX traders. How are they going to do it?

Krypton was one first ten projects to join Chainlink BUILD

As of right now trading on an AMM means being a victim of front-running, sandwich attacks. Not only that, but it requires massive amounts of liquidity for a small trade not to have a tremendous impact on the market. 

And let's not forget about the issue of impermanent loss for liquidity providers (LP), who may be better off just holding their tokens instead of providing liquidity on a DEX. Clearly, AMMs have room for improvement. Or is a whole new idea needed?

Enter KryptonProtocol.

They use an engine to match bids and offers. Sounds like a traditional order book doesn't it? But, wait here comes the innovation.

Krypton uses an innovative continuous batch auction approach that matches bids and offers in a way that takes into account the urgency of trades and executes them as a continuous flow over time. Think of it like a steady river flow, rather than a waterfall.

With this approach, front-running and other manipulative tactics become less cost-efficient, levelling the playing field for all traders. The stuff of dreams.

So far so good, but why has anyone used that before? Simple, running a matching engine within a blockchain isn't feasible. The answer is Chainlink.

Krypton’s CEO and Co-founder MIchael Nowotny at SmartCon 2022

Krypton leverages off-chain computation to run its matching engine cost-efficiently without sacrificing decentralization.

Thanks to the continuous batch auction approach and leveraging chainlink, Krypton can also facilitate coss-chain liquidity—a game-changer in the DeFi space.

Krypton is a project born from Chainlink’s 2021 fall hackathon, with seasoned co-founders and 10+ people forming an experienced team.


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